As a business owner, you already know it’s vital to have a well-rounded marketing plan.
One that incorporates all aspects; networking, online, email, print, and the dreaded social media. Facebook is leading the pack with 2.1 billion users and is a vital tool to add to your business toolbox.
In today’s mini-lesson, I am going to talk about your business Facebook page and how you have two customers that you have to make happy.
Are you ready to see how you can use Facebook for your business?
To watch this lesson and all the “Bouns Mini-Lessons” in our Online Marketing Module.
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Tracy Fredrychowski is a Digital Marketing Consultant with over 25 years of marketing experience in the staging and decorating field. Tracy has spent most of her career as a small business owner, so she knows the challenges that come along with being an entrepreneur. Specializing in helping small businesses move their company to the next level, she has a keen understanding of how to successfully market a business in the digital realm.