LinkedIn for your Staging & Decorating Business
With all the hype about Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest you’d think LinkedIn wouldn’t be a tool you would need in your toolbox. However, that’s the farthest from the truth! LinkedIn is the most important social platform to be active on if you want leads that are serious.
We firmly believe you don’t need to be on all social media platforms to be effective; however, you do need to pick two and be active on them. LinkedIn should always be top on your list for building your business connections and then choose another to be social on.
In today’s Mini-Lesson, we will talk about adding LinkedIn to your Marketing Strategy.
Are you ready to see how you can receive qualified leads and grow your business by using LinkedIn?
To watch this lesson and all the “Bouns Mini-Lessons” in our Online Marketing Module.
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Tracy Fredrychowski is a Digital Marketing Consultant with over 25 years of marketing experience in the staging and decorating field. Tracy has spent most of her career as a small business owner, so she knows the challenges that come along with being an entrepreneur. Specializing in helping small businesses move their company to the next level, she has a keen understanding of how to successfully market a business in the digital realm.